SPS Summer Work

On this page you will find a list of books for students in all grades for recommended summer reading, math enrichment, as well as links to required work for Advanced Placement (AP) level courses at Stoughton High School.

Recommended Summer Reading Lists

Students are encouraged to read daily throughout the summer to help them maintain the skills they have acquired during the school year. Please encourage your children to read a wide range of books, across many genres that might include fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and biographies, to name a few.

We hope your child enjoys reading the books found on these lists!

Recommended Summer Math Enrichment

Here you will find recommended math enrichment for students in grades K-8.

Summer is a time to relax and have fun. It’s also a great time to work on math concepts and problem solving skills. This summer to help promote the retention of basic math facts and to review concepts learned throughout the school year, students are encouraged to use Freckle Math.

Math is everywhere! Reading, playing cards or board games, baking or cooking are a few ways students can engage in math all summer long. Practice math skills as a family.

Reviewing important math skills doesn’t have to be boring, time-consuming, or expensive! Use items you already have on hand, grab some books or make up fun games to play outside to encourage young learners to keep thinking and problem solving all summer long!

Required Advanced Placement (AP) Summer Work